Pi Day – pie ideas!

It’s March 14, which as everyone knows (right?) is Pi Day! Why pi? Because pi is 3.14 of course! For the past few years we have had a lot of fun with Pi Day and since we love to spend time in the kitchen, our pi-like celebrations pretty much mean eating pie. Not a whole lot of math, admittedly. But it is fun to have a reason to eat pie! Wait, here is an equation: Pi Day + The Browns = Eat pie! There ya go. We’re so math-y. Here are a few suggestions for pies we’ve shared that you […] Read more »

Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherds Pie - BlossomsAndPosies.com

If you get our newsletter, you’ve already heard about Pi Day and that we like to celebrate it because, well… pie! But maybe Pi Day is new to you, so let us educate. You see, pi is a mathematical constant usually rounded to 3.14. It’s a pretty important number in the world of numbers. So when some clever fellow realized we have a 3.14 on the calendar (aka March 14), Pi Day was born. To celebrate Pi Day you could recite pi. Abbie knows pi to 50 digits. This guy knows Pi to 100,000 digits. Can you imagine? Or you […] Read more »