Roasted Garlic

I use a lot of garlic when I cook. I could do nothing but saute garlic in butter and my family would come running to the kitchen in anticipation thanks to the amazing smell!

Garlic is not only delicious, but it is also chock-full of health benefits, including cancer prevention and promoting heart health. Check out these fascinating scientific studies on garlic.

Garlic is often an ingredient in savory dishes, but did you know you can eat garlic by itself? Eating it raw takes a pretty strong tongue (it has quite the bite!)

But roasted garlic is mellow and creamy. It makes a wonderful spread on crackers or bread. I also like to blend roasted garlic into soups and sauces.

It’s not hard at all! Here’s what we do:

Roasted Garlic - an easy and heatlyh way to eat garlic. Spread it on bread or crackers! #garlic

Have you ever eaten roasted garlic? What do you like to eat it with?

About Patti Brown

One Response to “Roasted Garlic”

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  1. brownium says:

    Oh, yum!! Roasted garlic and brie. Mmmmm. Roasted garlic and nearly anything. Mmmmm.

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