“Lady Slipper” Napkin Folding Tutorial

It’s springtime! All over the Northern Hemisphere, people are enjoying the fresh air, finally warming after a long, cold, winter. And when you get outside in the fresh air, you’re bound to find something new! From bird’s nests, to daisies, nature has it all. Tell us in the comments what new animal or leaf or flower you most recently discovered. Speaking of flowers, we learned a pretty way to fold a napkin into a flower shape, and we’d love for you to learn, too. Isn’t spring fun? I think so! – Abbie

Lady Slipper Napkin Folding Tutorial - BlossomsAndPosies.com


a square napkin (the stiffer the better)
a pretty glass


1. Lay napkin out and fold it into a triangle, print side out.


2. Place the point of the triangle facing away from yourself, then pull the two bottom points up toward the top point, but don’t make it into a perfect diamond. Make the bottom corners point a little outward on either side.

3. Flip up the bottom edge as shown in the picture.

4. Accordion fold the napkin, from right to left.




5. Put the bottom of the napkin in the cup, and pull the front and side pieces down until flower is formed.



6. Place on table!


"Lady Slipper" Napkin Folding Tutorial
The Lady Slipper Napkin is an elegant in-the-glass napkin presentation.
You'll need...
  • a square napkin (the stiffer the better)
  • a pretty glass
Here's what to do...
  1. Lay napkin out and fold it into a triangle, print side out.
  2. Place the point of the triangle facing away from yourself, then pull the two bottom points up toward the top point, but don't make it into a perfect diamond. Make the bottom corners point a little outward on either side.
  3. Flip up the bottom edge as shown in the picture.
  4. Accordion fold the napkin,from right to left.
  5. Put the bottom of the napkin in the cup, and pull the front and side pieces down until flower is formed.
  6. Place on table!


About Abbie

4 Responses to ““Lady Slipper” Napkin Folding Tutorial”

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  1. Aunt Lorraine says:

    I love this and will try it!

    Aunt Lorraine

  2. Mary says:

    perfect for Easter

  3. Dawn says:

    Beautiful Abbie! As for spring animals, we discovered a nest of three field mice yesterday while cleaning up outside. They had very pretty fur in spite of the fact that I find them to be icky little guys. We also watched a baby rabbit for a few days last week in our side yard. Enjoy a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!

    • Abbie says:

      I don’t particularly like mice either, but they can be rather cute as babies. Rabbits are always very lovely, and even more so as little ones! We seem to be short on babies this year, though. I haven’t seen our scissor-tails yet, visitors that normally nest in the eves every spring. We have no male goats, so that means no goat-kids either. Ah, well, next year!

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