How to Grow Mint from Cuttings

We recently were given a bunch of spearmint that was from the grocery store. It looked a bit wilted so we trimmed the ends and stuck it in a jar of water on the windowsill. It perked right up and even started growing! A few weeks later the mint was covered in roots. Time to pot them up! You can start with mint from the store, or mint cuttings from a friend. If you plant your rooted mint outside, be careful because it can be very invasive! We like to add fresh mint leaves when we use teabags to make mint tea. – Mrs. Brown

If you’ve never tasted fresh mint you should try it! To have something yummy enough that it is found in candy, be something that naturally grows, makes your mouth feel very happy! – Abbie


Grow Mint From Cuttings -


Trim ends of cuttings. Fill a jar with water and immerse stems. If you put the jar on a windowsill the mint will love the sun and the leaves will continue to grow. After a few weeks, you will have some nice healthy roots growing. Here’s what ours looked like:

mint on windowsill -

mint close up -

roots close up -

Remove the mint from the water and pull away any dead or slimy leaves.

remover mint from water -

Gently separate each stem. The roots will be entwined.

separate stems -

Set aside one or more stems per pot. We like to plant in odd numbers, it just looks nicer when it fills out. For this pot we planted three stems. Put a little soil in the bottom, then arrange the stems in the pot.

put stems in pot -

Add more soil around the stems, making sure to cover all the roots.

add soil -

add soil around stems -

Gently press the soil down, then water.

potted mint -

Place in a windowsill and enjoy fresh mint at any time!

mint in window -

About Abbie and Mrs. Brown

2 Responses to “How to Grow Mint from Cuttings”

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  1. Sandy says:

    Love it! I’m going to get some fresh mint today and give this a try!

    • Abbie says:

      It sure was a surprise to find roots in our mint! I think you’ll enjoy finding them start to grow. I did! I really like fresh mint, and I hope it will grow well. Now if only I can remember to water it…

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