Roots for The Journey – A Music Review and Giveaway

(This is a review of the music CD Roots for the Journey by Yancy. If you click on the link for the CD and buy it, our family will get a small portion of the sale. It’s called an affiliate link. That means we are the ones who told you about the CD and Yancy thinks that’s cool so she’ll give us a bit of the money. But it won’t cost you anything extra. Also, Yancy let us have this CD for free so we could listen and tell everyone what we think about it. Oh and that was our disclosure.)


I have never tried to write a review on anything before. I don’t even know what a review is supposed to be like! Nevertheless, I’ll give it a shot.

The things I like about the album are:

1. It has a lovely rhythm.

2. The lyrics are encouraging and motivational.

3. The music is soft and mellow.

4. I really like these lines in Creator, which is the third song on the album:

You know my favorite color
And what I like to play with
You know each freckle
And all my silly faces

You know all of my pluses
You know my fears and struggles
Still You love me the same
Yes, You love me the same

What about the iPhone app?

Well, it’s kind of hard to maneuver through at first. One thing I learned was to click on the “Family Devos.” Then I could see the activities. The activities are best for 3-9 year olds. The videos are well produced.

Over all I would say:

This album is very nice, and I would certainly recommend it. Scripture-based songs are an encouraging reminder that we always have Jesus. Sometimes they help me memorize scripture too!

My mom is also reviewing Roots for the Journey today at Do Not Depart. So you can read what a mom thinks.

Yancy and her little boy. So cute!

Yancy and her little boy. So cute!

And guess what? Yancy said we could give one of you a copy of the album! Fill out the Rafflecopter form and maybe you’ll win! Yay!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Abbie

5 Responses to “Roots for The Journey – A Music Review and Giveaway”

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  1. Thank you for reviewing this. I am looking for more acceptable music for my children. Right now, we only have Tessa Doyle’s Dance To Your Daddy, which is, indeed, great for dancing.

  2. Katie says:

    I’d love to win this to share with my girls! PS – great first review 🙂

  3. We had Community VBS for 9 days the past 2 weeks and the girls are loving the songs they learned there. We have Colossal Coaster World playing right now actually! 🙂


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