How to Make a Doll Apron from a Tea Towel
You'll need...
  • Small Tea Towel (or fabric)
  • Sewing Scissors
  • Measuring Tape (optional)
  • Bias Tape
  • Pins
  • Needle and Thread or a Sewing Machine
Here's what to do...
  1. First, find an old tea towel. If you don’t have one, you can use any fabric. Iron your fabric to smooth out the wrinkles.
  2. Decide how long you want your doll’s apron to be and cut it. You can measure your doll to help you decide how long you want it (this is where the tape measure comes in handy), or you can simply hold the fabric up to your doll.
  3. You can use a rotary cutter on a cutting mat, or you can just use fabric scissors to cut a straight line.
  4. Cut a length of bias tape long enough to go around your doll’s waist and tie in the back. One side of the bias tape is narrower than the other. If you put the narrower side on top you know you are catching both sides of the bias tape when you sew.
  5. Unfold the bias tape and slide the top of the fabric in. Bring the fabric's cut edge right up to the inner fold of the unfolded bias tape.
  6. Pin the bias tape onto the cut edge. We like bias tape because we don’t have to worry if we cut the edge a little wonky. It hides the mistakes! Start pinning in the middle and go toward the outside, first one direction, then the other. As you pin, include small folds to make the apron top gather.
  7. Sew the bias tape to the fabric along the edge farthest away from the fold, either with a sewing machine or by hand.
  8. Remember to back stitch at each end so that the thread doesn’t come undone.
  9. You’re done! Now your doll can wash the dishes. :-)
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