Basic Hand Sewing: How to Thread a Needle

How to Thread a Needle

Threading a needle can be difficult and takes some time to master, but once you have learned how to do it, it can be very useful! – Abbie

Preparing your thread


Trim thread end

Start by making a clean cut on the end of your thread. Make sure there are no frayed ends left behind to get stuck as you go through the eye of the needle. Abbie prefers to just use the thread this way, but you may find it helps to stiffen the end a bit using one of these methods:

Ways to stiffen your threadYou can try stiffening the thread with a bit of water using a q-tip, or by sliding it between your thumb and a bar of soap, or that old (kind of icky) standby – licking it!

How to thread a needle the old fashioned way


Ready to thread needle

Hold the needle in your dominant hand (that’s the hand you write with… Abbie is right-handed, so she’s right dominant). Hold the thread in your other hand. Turn the needle so that when you look at it the background to the eye of the needle is light-colored – you want to be able to see the hole clearly.

Put thread throguh eye of needle

Pinch thread with your fingers

Pull thread throguh needle

Holding the needle very still, push the thread through the hole far enough that you can let go and pull the thread from the other side.

Some people prefer to focus on putting the needle on the thread instead of putting the thread through the needle. Try each way and see which you have more control over.

How to thread a needle with a threader

Using a threader

Insert the threader into the eye of the needle. Be sure to push it far enough so that there’s a fairly large opening in the threader on the far side of the needle.

Insert thread in threader and pull threader out of needle

Put the end of the thread through the pointy opening of the threader. Pull the threader out of the needle bringing the thread through the eye as you do.

And that’s all! Do you have any questions? Ask in the comments! And if you have other tips for threading a needle please share them with us.

About Abbie and Mrs. Brown

3 Responses to “Basic Hand Sewing: How to Thread a Needle”

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  1. sandy says:

    I use a needle threader, also, but I push mine all the way through the eye. Your way probably is better for threader!


  1. […] a 2′ piece of thread that matches the color of your button.  Thread the needle and knot the thread […]

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